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A Guide to Engineers Australia Skills Assessment Fees | 2024

Find out about the Engineers Australia Skills Assessment fees structure for 2024, familiarize yourself with the EA Skills Assessment Process


The Engineers Australia Skills Assessment is a pivotal step in the migration process for engineers, as it evaluates their educational background, work experience, and professional competencies against Australian standards. This assessment is indispensable for engineers aspiring to secure a visa under the General Skilled Migration (GSM) program, thereby facilitating their contribution to Australia’s engineering sector and the broader economy.

Find out about the Engineers Australia Skills Assessment fees structure for 2024, familiarize yourself with the EA Skills Assessment Process
A Guide to Engineers Australia Skills Assessment Fees | 2024 1

Detailed Explanation of Engineers Australia Skills Assessment Process

The Engineers Australia Skills Assessment process is comprehensive and designed to evaluate an engineer’s qualifications and professional competencies. In this document, we explain the precise steps involved in a meticulous procedure.

  1. Preparation of Documents:This includes academic records, professional certifications, employment references, and detailed reports showcasing their engineering projects and professional achievements.
  2. Choosing the Assessment Pathway: Candidates must select the pathway most applicable to their background, whether it be the Accredited Australian qualification pathway, the Washington Accord, Sydney Accord, Dublin Accord, or the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) for those with qualifications not covered by international accords.
  3. Submission of Application and Payment of Fees: Once all documents are prepared, and the appropriate pathway selected, candidates submit their application through the Engineers Australia online portal. Alongside the submission, they must pay the specified assessment fee. These fees vary depending on the chosen assessment pathway and are subject to change, hence applicants are advised to verify the current rates on the Engineers Australia website.
  4. Assessment by Engineers Australia: Following submission, Engineers Australia’s assessors review the application in detail. This review process assesses the educational background, work experience, and competencies of the candidates against the Australian engineering competency standards. The duration of this assessment process can vary, with candidates typically informed of the expected timeframe upon submission.
  5. Outcome Notification: After a thorough evaluation, Engineers Australia will notify applicants of their assessment outcome. A positive outcome confirms that the candidate meets the necessary standards and qualifications to work as an engineer in Australia, paving the way for visa application under the General Skilled Migration program. Conversely, a negative outcome, or a request for additional information, will be communicated, offering direction on potential next steps for the applicant.

This structured process ensures a fair and rigorous evaluation of an engineer’s capability to practice within the Australian context, maintaining the high standards of the engineering profession in the country.

Important Timelines and Deadlines for the 2024 Application Cycle

For engineers aiming to migrate to Australia in 2024 and intending to undergo the Engineers Australia Skills Assessment, adherence to specific timelines and deadlines is crucial for a successful application. The process is time-sensitive, with certain stages requiring careful planning to ensure compliance with Engineers Australia’s mandatory deadlines. Below is an authoritative guide to the key dates and milestones for the 2024 application cycle:

  • January 2024: Engineers Australia releases the updated list of fees for the upcoming application cycle. Potential applicants are advised to verify these figures before proceeding with their application.
  • Mid-January 2024: The online portal for Skills Assessment applications opens, allowing candidates to begin their submissions and pay the specified Engineers Australia Skills Assessment fees.
  • June 30th, 2024: This is the deadline for submitting all applications for candidate assessments. No submissions will be accepted after this date.
  • August 2024: Engineers Australia informs candidates of their assessment outcome via email or post.
  • September 30th, 2024: All candidates who receive a positive outcome are required to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) through the Department of Home Affairs’ SkillSelect system by this date. This is a critical step in the visa application process and must be completed within 60 days of receiving the positive assessment outcome.
  • November 2024: The invitations for visa applications are sent out through SkillSelect, with successful applicants given 60 days to submit their visa application.

Criteria and Requirements for Each Category of EA Skills Assessment

Engineers Australia conducts assessments under distinct categories, each corresponding to specific roles within the engineering profession. Applicants must understand these categories as they determine the necessary qualifications and professional experiences for a successful EA Skills Assessment. Here, we will explain the primary categories and the requirements for each category:

Professional Engineer

  • Educational Qualification: Applicants must hold a four-year bachelor’s degree in engineering from a recognized institution or its international equivalent.
  • Professional Experience: A minimum of five years of post-graduate professional engineering experience is required, demonstrating extensive engineering competencies.
  • Competency Demonstration Report (CDR): A comprehensive report showcasing three career episodes that highlight individual engineering skills, knowledge, and application is mandatory.

Engineering Technologist

  • Educational Qualification: A bachelor’s degree in engineering technology or related disciplines, spanning three years of study, is required.
  • Professional Experience: Applicants should have at least four years of relevant experience in applying engineering principles and technology to practical projects.
  • Competency Demonstration Report (CDR): The CDR Report must include three career episodes illustrating the applicant’s proficiency in technology application within engineering contexts.

Engineering Associate

  • Educational Qualification: A two-year diploma or associate degree in engineering or a related field is the minimum educational standard.
  • Professional Experience: Three years of practical experience supporting engineering projects, showcasing a solid foundation in technical tasks is necessary.
  • Competency Demonstration Report (CDR): A CDR with three career episodes is required, highlighting practical skills and understanding in executing and managing technical engineering operations.

Engineering Manager

  • Educational Qualification: A master’s degree in engineering or equivalent, coupled with a bachelor’s degree in engineering, establishes the academic groundwork.
  • Professional Experience: At least seven years of engineering experience, with three years in a significant management role overseeing engineering projects and teams.
  • Managerial Competency Report (MCR): Unlike the CDR for other categories, the Engineering Manager category requires an MCR. This report must detail three instances of managerial experience within the engineering field, emphasizing leadership, project management, and strategic planning skills.

Applicants for the EA Skills Assessment are required to demonstrate their language proficiency either through approved English language tests like IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), achieving minimum scores set by Engineers Australia. Specifically, a minimum score of 6.0 in each component of the IELTS test or equivalent scores in other recognized tests is generally required.

Adhering rigorously to the criteria and assembling the required documentation meticulously are foundational to navigating the EA Skills Assessment process successfully.

EA Skills Assessment Pathways

In the intricacies of the EA Skills Assessment process, the pivotal factor influencing the selection of the appropriate pathway is qualification. It’s determined by:

  • the country you received it
  • the type of qualification
  • whether it’s accredited.

It is paramount that applicants ensure their academic credentials meet the requisites of the desired category, as this alignment significantly impacts the evaluative outcome. The qualifications dictate the requisite experience level and the nature of the documentary evidence needed, such as the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR).

This conscientious approach ensures that the applicant’s submission is both relevant and robust, adequately reflecting their professional aptitude within the domain of engineering.

There are principally two pathways available, each tailored to accommodate the diverse backgrounds and qualifications of engineering professionals:

Accredited Qualifications Pathway

This pathway is intended for individuals who have obtained their engineering qualifications from institutions that are accredited or recognized by Engineers Australia. It offers a streamlined process, as these qualifications have already been vetted for alignment with the stringent standards set by Engineers Australia. Applicants via this pathway are presumed to have met the educational component of the Engineers Australia Skills Assessment criteria, allowing them to focus on demonstrating their professional experience and competencies.

  1. Australian Accredited Engineering Qualification Pathway

For individuals possessing an engineering qualification accredited by Engineers Australia but obtained within Australia, this pathway offers a direct and efficient route to Engineers Australia Skills Assessment. These qualifications, rigorously reviewed and recognized by Engineers Australia, ensure that the curricula meet the high educational standards required for the engineering profession in Australia.

  • Educational Qualification: Applicants must hold a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree in engineering from an Australian institution that is accredited by Engineers Australia. The specific degree requirements align with the category of engineering practice the applicant is seeking assessment for.
  • Professional Experience: While the primary focus is on the accredited educational qualifications, applicants are also required to demonstrate relevant professional engineering experience. The duration and nature of this experience depend on the engineering category under which they are applying.

By choosing this pathway, applicants benefit from a recognition of their educational qualifications without the need for additional EA Skills Assessment, thereby focusing on showcasing their professional competencies and experiences. This pathway is particularly beneficial for graduates of Australian universities looking to establish their engineering careers in Australia or abroad, leveraging the global recognition of Engineers Australia-accredited qualifications.

  1. International Accords and Qualifications

Understanding the role of international engineering accords is crucial for applicants aiming for an Engineers Australia Skills Assessment. These accords, such as the Washington Accord, Sydney Accord, and Dublin Accord, serve as mutual recognition agreements between participating countries, acknowledging the equivalence of accredited engineering qualifications. Applicants who possess engineering qualifications from countries that are signatories to these accords may find a streamlined pathway for their EA Skills Assessment, as these qualifications are deemed to meet the educational benchmark set by Engineers Australia.

  • Washington Accord: For Professional Engineers, this includes those with a four-year engineering degree from institutions in countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and others that are signatories to the Accord.
  • Sydney Accord: Targeted towards Engineering Technologists, it covers graduates with a three-year engineering technology degree from accredited programs in signatory countries, including but not limited to Australia, Canada, and South Africa.
  • Dublin Accord: Pertains to Engineering Associates, recognizing two-year diplomas or associate degrees in engineering from accredited programs in member countries, such as the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Australia.

Note: Your qualifications under these Accords will be recognized if:

  • It was completed after, or in the same year in which the country was accepted as a full signatory under the Accord.
  • Your program falls within the time period specified as accredited on the signatory’s website for your country. This may be referred to as a program’s intake, commencement or graduate year.
  • Your program is listed as fully accredited, provisional accreditation isn’t sufficient.

Applicants possessing qualifications from these accords can proceed with a certain level of assurance that their educational backgrounds meet the high standards expected by Engineers Australia. It streamlines the assessment process by eliminating the need for a detailed evaluation of the educational qualifications, allowing candidates to focus on substantiating their professional experiences and skills through the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR Report).

Non-Accredited Qualifications Pathway

Engineering professionals whose qualifications are not recognized or accredited by Engineers Australia must pursue the Non-Accredited Qualifications Pathway. This route involves a more rigorous assessment process, including a full review of the applicant’s educational background, professional experience, and capabilities. It necessitates a comprehensive Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) detailing the applicant’s engineering and management competencies.

Selecting the appropriate assessment pathway is crucial and requires a thorough evaluation of one’s educational background and qualifications in relation to the standards of Engineers Australia. Applicants are advised to meticulously gather and prepare their documentation to ensure it meets the requirements and expectations of the chosen pathway. This preparatory step is pivotal in navigating the assessment process successfully and achieving a favorable outcome.

EA Skills Assessment Fees Structure for 2024

The fee structure for the 2024 EA Skills Assessment is outlined below, reflecting the commitment to providing a cogent and transparent financial framework for applicants. It is essential that candidates factor in these costs as part of their preparation for submitting their Skills Assessment application.

Australian accredited engineering qualification assessment fees

 CurrentCurrentFrom 1 July From 1 July 
Item/sFee excl.
Fee incl.
Fee excl.
Fee incl.
Australian Engineering Qualification Assessment$285$313.50$295$324.50
Australian engineering qualification assessment plus
relevant skilled employment assessment
Australian engineering qualification assessment plus
overseas engineering PhD assessment
Australian engineering qualification assessment plus
relevant skilled employment assessment plus
overseas engineering PhD assessment

International Accords qualification assessment fees

 CurrentCurrentFrom 1 July From 1 July 
Item/sFee excl.
Fee incl.
Fee excl.
Fee incl.
Washington/Sydney/Dublin Accord qualification assessment$460$506$475$522.50
Washington/Sydney/Dublin Accord qualification assessment plus
relevant skilled employment assessment
Washington/Sydney/Dublin Accord qualification assessment plus
overseas PhD assessment   
Washington/Sydney/Dublin Accord qualification assessment plus
relevant skilled employment assessment plus
overseas engineering PhD assessment

Competency demonstration report (CDR) assessment fees

 CurrentCurrentFrom 1 July From 1 July 
Item/sFee excl.
Fee incl.
Fee excl.
Fee incl.
Standard competency demonstration report$850$935$880$968
Competency demonstration report plus
relevant skilled employment assessment
Competency demonstration report plus
overseas engineering PhD assessment
Competency demonstration report plus
relevant skilled employment assessment plus
overseas engineering PhD assessment

Additional Services

In addition to the basic assessment and application fees outlined previously, candidates seeking to undergo the Engineers Australia Skills Assessment process must also be prepared for potential additional costs that could arise during the application. These expenses are important for candidates to account for in their budgeting and financial planning. Below is a detailing of such costs:

  • Fast-track applications: This option carries a fee but your application can be assigned to an assessor within 20 business days. This doesn’t mean you’ll receive an outcome in this timeframe. The time it takes to process your EA Skills Assessment depends on the quality of the documents you provide and whether we need to ask you for more information. Before you start your fast-track application read the detailed instructions on the Engineers Australia Skills Assessment page. The fast-track fee is non-refundable. Before you submit your application, ensure you have the correct assessment pathway and account ID. 
  • Overseas engineering PhD qualification assessment: We can assess your overseas engineering PhD to determine if it’s equivalent to an Australian engineering PhD for migration purposes. You don’t need this service if you completed your PhD in Australia.
  • Relevant skilled employment: We can review documentary evidence of your employment. This option is available for all engineering occupation categories except engineering manager, where it’s a mandatory part of the CDR assessment..
  • Re-Assessment Fees: If an applicant wishes to contest the outcome of their initial assessment or seek re-evaluation under a different category, additional fees are applied for processing the re-assessment.
  • Appeal Fees: In the case of an appeal against the decision made in the re-assessment, candidates are subject to an appeal fee set by Engineers Australia.

These supplementary costs can add up and significantly impact the overall financial commitment required for the Engineers Australia Skills Assessment process. Candidates are advised to thoroughly research and prepare for these expenses to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted EA Skills Assessment experience.

 CurrentCurrentFrom 1 July From 1 July 
Item/sFee excl.
Fee incl.
Fee excl.
Fee incl.
Fast-track assessment fee (additional to MSA assessment fee)$325$357.50$335$368.50
Separate relevant skilled employment assessment$440$484$455$500.50
Separate overseas engineering PhD assessment$295$324.50$305$335.50
Separate relevant skilled employment assessment plus
overseas engineering PhD assessment
Review fee$305$335.50$315$346.50
Appeal fee$580$638$600$660
Updated outcome letter$165$181.50$165$181.50
Standard administration fee$115$126.50$120$132

Changes in the 2024 Engineers Australia Skills Assessment Fees Structure

The adjustments to the Engineers Australia Skills Assessment fee structure for the 2024 Skills Assessment process represent a deliberate and considered response to the evolving landscape of engineering accreditation. Notable changes include a moderate increase in application fees and assessment fees across all categories. This escalation is attributed primarily to two factors:

  1. Enhanced Assessment Procedures: The introduction of more rigorous and comprehensive evaluation methodologies necessitates additional resources. These improved procedures ensure a meticulous examination of qualifications and professional experiences, aligning with the global standards of engineering competency.
  2. Inflation and Operational Costs: The adjustment in EA Skills Assessment fees also reflects the broader economic factors, including inflation, which impacts the operational costs associated with executing a detailed and extensive assessment process. This increment aids in maintaining the quality and integrity of the assessment, ensuring that it remains a robust and prestigious accreditation globally.

These modifications in the EA Skills Assessment fee structure are executed with a transparent approach to sustain and enhance the value offered to applicants.

Financial Planning for the EA Skills Assessment Process

Financial preparedness is paramount for candidates undergoing the Engineers Australia Skills Assessment process by Engineers Australia. The assortment of fees – both fixed and variable – necessitates meticulous financial planning and management. Below are strategic recommendations for effective financial planning:

  • Early Budgeting: Begin by creating a comprehensive budget that encompasses all potential costs related to the Skills Assessment process. This includes the basic application and EA Skills Assessment fees, along with the additional costs listed above. Early planning affords you the time to save or arrange for the necessary funds.
  • Research and Allocate for Supplementary Costs: Engage in thorough research to estimate the costs of document verification, professional evaluation, and translation services applicable to your case. Setting aside a contingency fund can help manage unexpected expenses without significant stress.
  • Consider the Fast Track Option Wisely: While the Fast Track Option ensures quicker processing, weigh its benefits against the financial implications. If your timeline allows, opting for the standard processing time could save you the additional fees.
  • Explore Scholarships or Financial Assistance: Some organizations or professional societies offer financial assistance or scholarships to engineering professionals seeking accreditation. Investigate these opportunities as they could substantially reduce your financial burden.
  • Keep Updated on Fee Changes: Engineers Australia may revise fees periodically. Regularly checking their website will keep you informed of any changes, allowing you to adjust your budget accordingly.

By proactively addressing financial requirements through strategic planning, candidates can alleviate one of the major stresses associated with the Engineers Australia Skills Assessment process, ensuring a focus on meeting the technical and professional criteria for successful accreditation.

Payment Methods and Policies

Engineers Australia acknowledges the importance of providing flexible and secure payment options for the Skills Assessment fees. To ensure a streamlined payment process, the following methods are accepted:

  • Credit and Debit Cards: Payments can be made using major credit and debit cards including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. It is imperative to note that all transactions are processed through secure payment gateways to protect your financial data.
  • Bank Transfer: Applicants have the option to pay through direct bank transfers. Details regarding the beneficiary bank account, including SWIFT and BIC codes, can be found on the Engineers Australia’s payment portal. It is critical to include the applicant’s name and assessment reference number in the transfer description to ensure the payment is correctly attributed.
  • Online Payment Services: Payments can also be made through selected online payment services that offer additional layers of security and convenience. Information on supported services is available on our website.

Policies Surrounding Payments:

  1. Refund Policy: It is essential for applicants to understand that the Engineers Australia Skills Assessment fees are generally non-refundable. Refunds are considered only under exceptional circumstances and are subject to the discretion of Engineers Australia. Situations that might be considered for a refund include overpayment or cancellation of an application before the assessment process has begun.
  2. Receipts and Confirmations: Upon successful payment, applicants will receive an electronic receipt as confirmation. This receipt should be kept for your records as proof of payment.
  3. Payment Deadlines: To avoid delays in the processing of your EA Skills Assessment, timely payment is crucial. Failure to comply with specified payment deadlines may result in the postponement or cancellation of your assessment.
  4. Currency and Conversion Fees: All fees are charged in Australian Dollars (AUD). Applicants making payments from overseas accounts should be aware of currency conversion rates and any associated fees which may be applied by their bank or payment provider.

Adhering to these payment methods and policies will ensure that the financial aspect of your Skills Assessment process is handled efficiently and securely, minimizing any potential obstacles towards achieving your professional accreditation with Engineers Australia.

Overview of Refund Policies

Engineers Australia is committed to maintaining a clear and equitable refund policy for the Skills Assessment fees. Understanding the circumstances under which refunds may be deemed applicable is crucial for candidates. Below outlines the primary considerations and scenarios tied to refund eligibility:

  • Overpayment or Duplicate Payment: In instances where an applicant inadvertently pays the Skills Assessment fee more than once or pays an amount above the stipulated fee, a refund for the excess payment may be issued. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide evidence of the overpayment for the refund to be processed.
  • Cancellation Before Assessment Commencement: If an applicant decides to cancel their Skills Assessment application before the evaluation process has started, they may be eligible for a refund. However, this is subject to a processing fee, which will be deducted from the refund amount. Candidates are advised to review the specific terms related to cancellations to understand the implications fully.
  • Erroneous Payment due to Administrative Error: In the rare occurrence of an administrative error resulting in incorrect fee processing, Engineers Australia will rectify the situation by issuing a full refund of the erroneous payment.

It is important to underscore that, aside from the scenarios mentioned above, Skills Assessment fees are generally non-refundable. Refund requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and are at the full discretion of Engineers Australia. Applicants seeking a refund should submit a formal request, including all relevant documentation to support their claim, through the official channels specified by Engineers Australia.

Tips for a Successful Skills Assessment

To enhance the likelihood of a successful outcome in the Skills Assessment process, applicants are advised to meticulously prepare their application. The following guidelines are designed to assist candidates in crafting a comprehensive and compelling case for their professional credentials:

  • Thoroughly Review Criteria and Requirements: Begin by carefully examining the specific criteria and requirements outlined by Engineers Australia. Ensuring that you understand what is expected will guide you in assembling a complete and targeted application.
  • Gather and Organize Documentation Early: Essential documents, including educational certificates, work experience letters, and professional development records, play a critical role in your assessment. Start collecting these documents well in advance, and verify that they meet the stipulated standards for authentication and verification.
  • Attention to Detail: Inaccuracies or inconsistencies in your application could significantly delay the process or impact the assessment outcome. Double-check all dates, spellings, and details for accuracy. It is essential to present a coherent and error-free application.
  • Engage in Professional Development: Continuous professional development is highly valued. Include any recent courses, workshops, or seminars that demonstrate your commitment to maintaining and upgrading your skills.
  • Avoid Common Pitfalls: Common pitfalls include incomplete applications, failure to provide sufficient evidence of work experience, and submitting documents that are not in English without the required translations. Ensure that your application does not fall short due to these avoidable mistakes.
  • Seek Clarification When in Doubt: If you are uncertain about any aspect of the application process or the acceptability of your documents, do not hesitate to contact Engineers Australia for clarification. It is better to seek guidance than to submit an incorrect or incomplete application.
  • Prepare a Detailed Competency Demonstration Report (CDR): For those required to submit a CDR, it is imperative to carefully follow the guidelines provided by Engineers Australia. The CDR is your opportunity to showcase how your engineering knowledge and skills apply to your chosen occupation. Include specific examples of projects you have worked on, highlighting your roles, responsibilities, and achievements.

By adhering to these guidelines and carefully preparing your application, you can enhance your chances of a positive assessment outcome. Remember, the goal is to provide a comprehensive and clear representation of your professional qualifications, experience, and proficiency in engineering, allowing the assessors to evaluate your eligibility for accreditation effectively.

Documentation and Evidence for Strengthening an Application

To fortify your Skills Assessment application for Engineers Australia, it is imperative to include robust documentation and evidence that unequivocally substantiates your qualifications, experience, and competencies. The following advice is crafted to guide you in presenting a well-documented case that can significantly enhance the persuasiveness of your application:

  • Comprehensive Work Experience Documentation: Submit detailed employment references and letters that clearly state your job title, duration of employment, roles, responsibilities, and specific engineering tasks or projects you have undertaken. This documentation should ideally be on official company letterhead, signed by a superior or HR department, and include contact information for verification purposes.
  • Authenticated Academic Credentials: Ensure that all academic qualifications, including degrees, diplomas, and certificates, are accompanied by official transcripts. If these documents are not originally in English, provide certified translations. Authentication of these documents by the issuing authority or a notary public adds to their credibility.
  • Professional Development Evidence: Documentation of ongoing professional development through courses, seminars, workshops, or conferences attended not only demonstrates your commitment to staying updated with the field but also supplements your qualifications. Include certificates of completion or attendance records as part of your application.
  • Project Reports and Presentations: If you are required to submit a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) or if you wish to highlight specific project work relevant to your application, include detailed reports, presentations, and any publications you have authored. These documents should clearly communicate your involvement, the technical challenges faced, and the solutions you implemented or contributed to.
  • Licenses and Certifications: Any relevant professional licenses or certifications you possess should be included, with attention to those recognized or valued in the engineering community. Such documents demonstrate a verified level of competency and adherence to industry standards.
  • Recognition and Awards: Documentation of any awards or recognitions received for your work or contributions to the engineering field serves as a testament to your expertise and commitment. Include details about the awarding body and the criteria for the award.

By meticulously gathering and organizing the aforementioned documents and evidence, applicants significantly enhance their ability to present a comprehensive and persuasive application to Engineers Australia.


The path to recognition by Engineers Australia highlights your technical competencies and dedication to engineering excellence. The process is rigorous but designed to showcase your unique potential. Remember, each document and report you compile is a step closer to realizing your professional aspirations.

For engineers who do not possess accredited qualifications and cannot provide a Competency Demonstration Report, there is an option to undergo a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment. This pathway is designed for individuals with substantial work experience in the engineering field but without formal qualifications. The RPL requires detailed reports on the applicant’s knowledge and skills gained through work experience, potentially coupled with informal or non-accredited learning programs.

Stay strong and committed to learning. The Engineers Australia skills assessment is your chance to showcase your expertise and experience. Approach each step with confidence and precision. Your efforts are worthwhile. We look forward to welcoming you to Australia’s engineering future.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the EA Skills Assessment process take?

Explore the essential requirements for ACS skills assessment, and Australia's post-study work stream including RPL for ICT professionals.

The processing time for an Engineers Australia Skills Assessment varies depending on the volume of applications and the completeness of the submitted application. On average, it can take between 4 to 7 months. Applicants are advised to submit their applications well in advance and ensure that all documentation is complete to avoid delays.

Can I apply for an Engineers Australia Skills Assessment if I have overseas engineering qualifications?

Find out about the Engineers Australia Skills Assessment fees structure for 2024, familiarize yourself with the EA Skills Assessment Process

Yes, Engineers Australia welcomes applications from individuals with overseas engineering qualifications. However, applicants must ensure that their qualifications are equivalent to Australian standards and provide official translations of their documents if they are not in English.

Is the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR report) required for all applicants?

Master the Engineers Australia Skills Assessment process with our guide on professional development, networking, and strategic career planning.

Not all applicants are required to submit a CDR Report. This requirement primarily applies to applicants whose qualifications are not accredited by Engineers Australia or are from countries not covered by the Washington Accord, Sydney Accord, or Dublin Accord.

What should I do if my EA Skills Assessment application is rejected?

Master the key strategies for articulating your commitment to sustainability in your CDR Report for Engineers Australia's Migration Skills Assessment

If your application is rejected, carefully review the feedback provided by Engineers Australia. You may have the opportunity to address the gaps or deficiencies identified and re-submit your application.

Are continuing professional development activities mandatory for the EA Skills Assessment?

A comprehensive guide to structuring your Continuing Professional Development activities (CPD Activities) with meticulous CPD documentation tips.

While not strictly mandatory, CPD activities are highly recommended and contribute positively to your Skills Assessment. These activities demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning and keeping up-to-date with the latest advancements in engineering.

How can I prove my English proficiency for the Engineers Australia Skills Assessment?

Explore the essential requirements for ACS skills assessment, and Australia's post-study work stream including RPL for ICT professionals.

Applicants must meet the English language proficiency requirements set by Engineers Australia. This typically involves providing results from recognized English language tests such as IELTS, TOEFL iBT, or Pearson PTE.


Akoneh is a data science expert with over three years of industry experience, adept at managing complex operations. His exceptional analytical skills allow him to solve problems and generate valuable insights. Additionally, Akoneh's proficiency in content and technical writing ensures that complex concepts are communicated clearly and compellingly, making his data-driven insights both accessible and impactful.

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